Wheat Market Recap Report for 3/9/2011
May Wheat finished down 21 at 758 3/4, 30 1/4 off the high and 9 1/2 up from the low. July Wheat closed down 20 1/2 at 791. This was 9 3/4 up from the low and 30 1/4 off the high. May wheat collapsed to trade sharply lower on the day as fund traders were active sellers for the third session in a row. The market fell sharply into the mid-session with a bearish tone seen across a wide range of agricultural markets again today. Weakness in the other grains and a continued long liquidation selling trend helped drive the market sharply lower on the day into the mid-session and below the February 23rd lows which pushed the market to the lowest since December 1st. Follow-through technical selling after the weak technical action yesterday and talk of improving supply outlook for China, India and the Black Sea region producers helped to pressure. A drier forecast for the central and southern plains in the Midwest helped to provide some support for higher trade early in the day. Traders see a slight tightening in ending stocks for the supply/demand report for release ahead of the opening. Traders see weekly export sales for release ahead of the opening near 750,000 tonnes. May Oats closed down 8 at 367. This was 5 up from the low and 9 1/4 off the high.
Bron: CME